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Yogababy Teacher Training


Would you like to become a yoga teacher specialising in pregnancy, active birth & babies?

Welcome to Yogababy's specialised teacher training. The Pregnancy, Active Birth and Baby Yoga teacher training is an in-depth and comprehensive program providing you with the confidence to teach Pregnancy yoga safely throughout all trimesters, to know how to ease pregnancy-related discomforts and to answer the important questions around Labour & Birth.

You will also be able to continue to guide your student through her Postpartum time with Yoga and help her to recover & bond with her baby. Suzanne Swan’s wealth of knowledge and practice spans two decades. She is available during the training to guide you personally towards becoming a certified Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga Teacher.

Yoga Australia


Teacher Training

150hour Pregnancy, Active Birth and Baby Yoga

100 hr Pregnancy and Active Birth Yoga

50 hr Postnatal and Baby Yoga


Pregnancy Yoga Teacher and/or Active Birth Training (100hrs)

No ordinary pregnancy yoga training! This is in-depth training in pregnancy and a woman’s journey to prepare for an Active Birth with Yoga. It is a time of significant change and deserves spending time understanding how it can be transformational for both Mother and Baby. 

Join Suzanne as she shares her 20 years of experience. You can either complete the whole training (100 hrs) or choose to do the Active Birth training (30 hrs).

Register your interest and we will send you the teacher training prospectus

Postnatal and Baby Yoga Teacher Training (50hrs)

What makes this training unique is our focus on Baby yoga. Babies are as much part of a Postnatal yoga class as the mothers.  Learn how to include the baby in the yoga class so it becomes a bonding experience for them both. 

Teaching Mothers and Babies is so special and rewarding. Join Suzanne as she shares her life’s work.

Register your interest and we will send you the teacher training prospectus

2024: 24th July - 7th August (Four weeks)

  • 3 x Online weekly Lectures

  • 1 x Weekend Intensive

  • Investment $1200


150 hr Pregnancy, Active Birth & Baby Yoga teacher training

Qualified yoga teachers can choose either the Pregnancy or Postnatal programs as stand-alone or complete both programs to gain the 150hrs certificate. The programs are delivered via a flexible blended learning approach (in-studio, live-streamed, and an online learning hub).

  • Online live lectures and discussions via Zoom

  • Supervised teaching intensives in a Yoga studio in Brisbane or via Zoom

  • Online learning hub and assessment

  • REGISTER and we will send you the teacher training prospectus


“It’s good to know that a healthy woman experiencing a low-risk pregnancy is capable of doing most foundation yoga poses with some modifications.”

Suzanne Swan


Teacher training enquiry
